Neurotrauma 2024
NEUROTRAUMA 2024 PUNE at the Hotel Sheraton Grand, Pune, Maharashtra, from 9th to 11th August 2024.
We are happy to inform you that we are participating in Neurotrauma 2024. We will display our Neurovascular Dopplers and Diàbetic Foot Care Products in our stall.
Our Dopplers can be used to explore cerebral arterial blood flow velocities. In patients with #Traumatic #Brain #Injury, our doppler can reveal low diastolic blood flow velocity (FVd) and high pulsatility index (PI) values induced by high vascular bed resistance. It can also be used to trace the location of critical arteries like carotid in Pituitary skullbase surgery and for assessment of patency in #AneurysmClipping surgery.
Please avail of the offer and get the benefit.