Kody Medical Hand-Held Vascular Doppler Machine Supplier for Foot Surgery
Minidop ES100VX
The ES-100VX Mini Doppler is a cost effective hand held pocket Doppler with integrated speaker for optimal sound sensitivity. Ideal for pedal pulses, systolic pressures and fetal heart sounds.
- Multi frequency 5,8,10 MHz Bidirectional Doppler
- 300 mW speaker output
- Power from DC9V, alkaline battery
- Conforms to IEC 60601-1
- Software for patient Report

Bidop ES100V3
The Bidop ES100V3 is a visual bidirectional vascular pocket Doppler. View a real-time waveform on the LCD and store up to 30 waveforms for later reference or to download to Smart-V-Link vascular software. Options include a PPG probe for toe pressures and Smart-V-Link software.
- Bi-directional Doppler with backlight waveform LCD
- 30 waveform memory and USB interface
- Real-time waveform LCD -displays the waveform during Testing
- 30 waveform memory storage – save waveforms to view later or download to Smart-V-Link software
- Software for patient Report
- Automatic gain and baseline control – no manual adjustments required
- Vascular Link Software Smart-V-Link for Windows (option)
- Flat vascular probe available – eliminates the need to hold the probe during testing
- PPG available to measure toe pressure & study (option)