Advanced Diabetic Neuropathy Machines for Medical Professionals
A Simple and economical Biothesiometer for measurement of Vibration Perception Threshold. More the VPT More the risk of ulceration for a diabetic Foot .This has a manual control for applying vibration; it helps reduce the testing time by reaching close to the anticipated level faster. One can then gradually increase or decrease the voltages applied for precise detection of VPT. This also helps keeping the mechanism simple and cost effective.
- Plug and play USB Interface.
- Digital Display.
- Pictorial and Graphical Multi colour Report.
- Exportable PDF Report Option.
- Range 0 to 25 microns Displacement at 100 Hz.
- IP 65 Class Enclosures.
- Alternate conventional scale of 0 to 50 VAC.
- Comprehensive operating manual.
- Supply Voltage 230 VAC 50 Hz.
- Easy to handle and User friendly software.

A Simple and economical Biothesiometer for measurement of Vibration Perception Threshold. This has a manual control for applying vibration; it helps reduce the testing time by reaching close to the anticipated level faster. One can then gradually increase or decrease the voltages applied for precise detection of VPT. This also helps keeping the mechanism simple and cost effective.
- Portable light weight model
- Digital Display
- Range 0 to 25 microns Displacement at 100 Hz
- Alternate conventional scale of 0 to 50 VAC
- Pictorial and Graphical Multi colour Report (Manual Entry)
- Exportable PDF Report
- Comprehensive operating manual
- Supply Voltage 170-240VAC 50 Hz
New Generation Digital Neuropathy Analyser
A Simple and economical Biothesiometer for measurement of Vibration Perception Threshold. This has a manual control for applying vibration; it helps reduce the testing time by reaching close to the anticipated level faster. One can then gradually increase or decrease the voltages applied for precise detection of VPT. This also helps keeping the mechanism simple and cost effective.
- Elegant design with stable performance
- Soft touch membrane keys in the front panel
- Speed selection: Slow/Fast & Mode selection: Heat/Cool
- Dual colour Display: Red for Heat & Green for Cool mode
- Both USB & Bluetooth computer interface
- Operate & control machine through Android mobile App
- Machine Auto shut off after 3 minutes when not in use
- No probe Alert & Over range Alert
- Windows based simple & easy user-friendly software
- Pictorial & Graphical Reports

Absence of sensation for buckling of monofilament (10 gms/5.07) at given sites on foot indicates the foot is at risk. Absence of sensation for buckling of monofilament (10 gms/5.07) at given sites on foot indicates the foot is at risk. Available in a pack of 20 Monofilaments Multiple use. One Monofilament can be used for 3 to 4 Patients for 16 sites.
New Generation Digital diabetic large fiber Neuropathy Analyser
- Complete Digital Design
- Bluetooth interface with PC
- USB interface with PC
- Control machine through Android Mobile App (Remote)
- Ultimate User Friendly Software
- Foot Vibration Perception Study
- Hand Vibration Perception Study
- Pictorial and Graphical Reports

CARDIAC Autonomy neuropathy Machine/Analyzer
KODYSCAN is a non-Invasive, fully automated computer-based Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy Analysis s test system provides Heart Rate Variability (HRV), blood pressure analysis for a quantitative assessment of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and Autonomic Balance (sympathetic and parasympathetic). The innovative technology behind involves computer analysis of HRV and Autonomic Function Assessment making it useful in diabetic patients. Testing for cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) in people with diabetes was traditionally based on six Ewing cardiac reflex tests that constitute the gold standard
- Series of 6 tests to analyse both sympathetic & Parasympathetic nervous system function
- Real time ECG Graphs on the software screen co-Automatic Blood pressure measurement
- Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis to find Autonomic balance
- The individual CAN test take as little as 15 to 18 minutes
- Interpretive reports are generated immediately after testing.
- The reports are very easy to read and understand and include additional details and graph options for the physician.
- Bluetooth & USB computer interface co-Works with Windows 7/8/10 operating system
- Works with Windows 7/8/10 operating system
- LED Panel design for easy understanding of the test
- User friendly software