2nd Annual Congress of the Andrology Section of USI, at Mayfair Tea Resort, Siliguri, West Bengal, from 8th & 9th June 2024.
We are pleased to inform you that we are participating in #ANDROCON2024 (2nd Annual Conference of Urological Society of India) in Mayfair Tea Resort, Siliguri, West Bengal. We offer a discount on Vascular Dopplers used in Andro / Uro surgery and Urology. It has two different applications for treating infertility. The applications are listed below:
1. For observation of blood flow in Penile study /Urology :
To assess the blood flow details in the cavernosal artery pre and post-erectile phase in the penis for identifying sexual dysfunction. Dopplers are used to find the level of blood flow velocity pre and post-erectile phase. If the flow velocity is less than 30cm/sec, there might exist a condition towards sexual dysfunction.
2. For observation of blood flow in Varicocelectomy : (Uro/Andro surgery)
To locate and preserve the testicular artery while performing a Microscopic subinguinal varicocelectomy procedure.
Our Dopplers are used in the above procedures. Please visit our stall to get better offers and discounts.