72nd Annual Conference of Neurological Society of India at Kolkata, India, from 18th to 22nd December 2024.
We are glad to invite you to visit KODYS stall at the 72nd Annual Conference of Neurological Society of India during 18-22 December 2024 in ITC Royal Bengal & ITC Sonar, #Kolkata #NSICON 2024
To observe the patency of the parent vessel after Aneurysm Clipping Surgery.
To assess the trace of the Carotid artery in Endoscopic Skull Base Endonasal
Transsphenoidal Surgery and Pituitary Tumour Decompression.
Vascular Dopplers provide crucial, cost-effective intraoperative neurovascular dopplers and intraoperative probes. In order to eliminate the injury of carotid arteries and observe the patency of arteries during Endoscopic Neurosurgical procedures,
You can sterilise the aforementioned intraoperative probes using ETO or STERRAD, and after 45 to 50 cycles, you can reuse them once more.
It also saves time and money by minimising the injuries and also the need for angiograms while also confirming the outcomes of surgical intervention during surgeries.
We are providing good offers, Eagerly inviting you to visit our stall and purchase your required products