36th Annual National Conference of Indian Foot and Ankle Society at Le Meridien, Kochi, from 22nd, 23rd and 24th August 2024.
We are happy to inform and invite every delegate to visit our stall at the 36th Annual Conference of Indian Foot and Ankle Society in #LeMeridien, #Kochi 22 – 24th August 2024.
Here we are displaying our vascular dopplers and diabetic foot care products towards assessing peripheral vascular disease, neuropathy, retinopathy and other complications. Diagnosing the conditions of abnormality at an early stage related to poor blood circulation and peripheral arterial disease, poor vibration perception thresholds etc may prevent chronic conditions and prevent amputations.
Our products are useful in diagnosing the conditions. Moreover, in trauma care where there is blood flow in the lower extremities can be minimised we can diagnose through our Bidirectional vascular Doppler and also in Neck critical arteries like carotids and their blood flows can be identified. This prior information will help the physician to perform the surgeries yielding better results.
Looking forward to meeting you and we also offer our best prices and discounts at the conference.